Sebelumnya dijelaskan dulu apa MAMA itu?
MAMA adalah pengubahan nama dari MKMF (Mnet Korea Music Festival) menjadi Mnet Asian Music Awards, karena penghargaan ini akan disiarkan di wilayah-wilayah di Asia juga.
Dann... SNSD juga masuk dalam nominasi MAMA!!
yalah memang pantas.. haha
ini adalah daftar nominasinya..
Full nominee's list
Criteria: Album sales and chart standings from October 15th, 2008 through October 22nd 2009.
Best Male Newcomer
• Supreme Team
• Chung Lim
• Taegoon
Best Female Newcomer
• 2NE1
• After School
• T-ara
• 4minute
• f(x)
Best Male Singer
• Drunken Tiger
• Rain
• Lee Seung Chul
• G-Dragon
• MC Mong
Best Female Singer
• Bada
• Baek Ji Young
• Son Dambi
• Younha
• Chae Yeon
Best Male Group
• 2PM
• Big Bang
• Super Junior
• SG Wannabe
• SS501
Best Female Group
• Davichi
• Brown Eyed Girls
• Jewelry
Best Mixed Group
• Roo’Ra
• 8eight
• Koyote
• Cool
• Clazziquai
Best Rock Music Award
• Buhwal (I remember 생각이나)
• Seo Taiji (Juliet)
• Jang Giha and the Faces (Living with nothing special)
• Cherry Filter (Pianissimo)
• FT Island (I Hope)
Best Hip-Hop Group Award
• Dynamic Duo (Dead Guy)
• Drunken Tiger (Monster)
• LeeSsang (The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Boy Who Can't Leave)
• Outsider (Alone)
• Epik High (Wannabe)
Best Ballad/R&B Music Award
• Kim Jong Kook (Today More Than Yesterday)
• Kim TaeWoo (Love Rain)
• Bobby Kim (Love, the guy)
• Park Hyo Shin (After Love)
• Baek Ji Young (Like being hit by a bullet)
Best Dance Music Award
• 2NE1 (I Don’t Care)
• 2PM (Again & Again)
• SNSD (Gee)
• Super Junior (Sorry Sorry)
• KARA (Honey)
Best House & Electronic Music Award
• Brown Eyed Girls (Abracadabra)
• Son Dambi (Saturday Night)
• Clazziquai (Love Again)
• 4minute (Muzik)
• G-Dragon (Heartbreaker)
Best Trot Music Award
• Gyeon Miri (Happy Woman)
• Park Hyun Bin (Brilliant Life)
• Seong JinYoo (딱이야)
• Joo HyunMi and Seohyun (JjaRaJaJjan)
• Hong JinYeong (Love’s Battery)
Best O.S.T Award
• Baek Ji Young (Don’t Forget - IRIS)
• Lee Seung Chul (No more love like this - Blue Love Story)
• T-Max (Paradise - Boys Over Flowers)
• Tiffany (I’m Alone - JaMyungGo) --> ini Fany SNSD ato bukan ya??
• SS501 (Because I’m Stupid - Boys Over Flowers)
Best MV Award
• 2NE1 (Fire)
• LeeSsang (The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Boy Who Can't Leave)
• Bada (Mad)
• Seo Taiji (Juliet)
• D.N.G (Step 2 Me)
Best MV Director Award
• Seo Hyun Seung
• Jang Jae Hyuk
• Jo Soo Hyun
• Joo Hee Seon
• Hong Won Ki
vote di
sepertinya SNSD bakal menang mudah deh XD
snsd-indonesia forum
syng bgt hangul semua, g donk deh ngevotenya gmn
U-Kiss, who is popular in Korea with single Not Young and cover of Backstreet Boys' song As Long As You Love Me, arrived in Changsha, took part in a recording of Hunan's popular TV program Everyday Up and accepted an interview by 'Golden Eagle Entertainment'.
U-Kiss is made up of 6 members, Alexander, Shin Dongho, Kim Kyung Jae, Kim Kibum, Woo Sunghyun and Shin Soohyun. Alexander mentioned that the group name "U-Kiss" means "new generation idol group". In Korea, DBSK and Super Junior are very popular and Alexander hopes that U-Kiss will be able to be like their seniors, DBSK and Super Junior, and become popular in Asia.
U-Kiss member, Kim Kibum, made his debut through SBS Inkigayo, and his elder brother is Kim Hyungjoon, from popular korean group SS501. Kibum says that ever since he has made his debut, his elder brother has always been supporting him. When Kim Hyungjoon attends broadcasts, he always tells the fans and staff, "My brother is Kim Kibum from U-Kiss." The support and encouragement from his elder brother touches Kibum greatly.
Kim Kibum has the same name as Super Junior member Kim Kibum. When promoting in Korea, does he face any difficulties from having the same name? Kibum says, "Having the same name as Kim Kibum from Super Junior has not given me any problems. Instead, it makes us easier to be friends." Turns out that Kim Kibum (U-Kiss) and Super Junior's Kibum go to the same stylist and when they meet each other during schedules, they often chat with one antoher. Kibum expresses that, together with the other 5 members of U-Kiss, he awaits the day where they can be as popular as Super Junior in Korea.
Credits: Soompi, kwongi@ukissme.SG for translations & ROCKETBOXX.NET + kisukisume
SHINee member Key has revealed through an interview conducted with TV Daily on the 23rd at a hotel in Apgujeong about his close relationships with members of f(x) since their trainee days. When asked about the video taken in the waiting room of the Dream Concert where he affectionately praised them, Key said "When I was still a trainee, I was already very close to the members of f(x). We will confide with each other our troubles." As such SHINee's leader Onew said with a laugh: "The members [of f(x)] all calls Key as their oppa." Key said: "Even though I am close to all the members of f(x), but with Sulli, we are like siblings, having gone though the very difficult phrase of being a trainee together and thus became a form of support for each other." SHINee's Jonghyun said: "When Key converses with f(x) member Amber in English, he will always mix up his nationality." With that, everyone started laughing. Key and Amber often joke around, sometimes smiling and laughing like kids. On another note, Key's favourite song in their 3rd Mini Album is "Jo Jo". "Composer Kenzie's style is that of a European dance, the roller and retro style of song is not only appealing to teens but also reaches out to people of other age groups. We hope to receive more love with this." |
Key SHINee mengatakan kedekatannya dengan member F(X) sejak masa trainee.
Ketika ditanya tentang video yang diambil saat di ruang tunggu Dream Concert dimana ia memuji mereka, Key berkata, "Ketika aku masih seorang trainee, aku sudah sangat dekat dengan member F(X). Kami sharing satu sama lain tentang masalah kami."
Leader SHINee, Onew, berkata sambil tertawa, "Semua member F(X) memanggil Key sebagai Oppa mreka." *vic juga donk? LOL*
Key berkata, "Walaupun aku dekat dengan semua member f(x), tapi dengan Sulli, kami seperti saudara, melewati bersama berbagai masa sangat sulit menjadi seorang trainee menjadi bentuk dukungan satu sama lain."
Jonghyun berkata, "Saat Key ngobrol dengan Amber dalam english, dia akan selalu mencampurkan kewarganegaraannya." maka, smua tertawa. Key dan Amber sering bercanda, terkadang tersenyum dan tertawa seperti anak kecil.
Key's Fave song from 3rd Mini Album is JoJo, oleh Kenzie.
Source: news.nate & Lucky ☆ Key
Translation: atlantis-x
Indo Translation: cippa @ SHINeendo [JSJ SHINeeRz]
Credits: SHINee Forums + SHINeendo [JSJ SHINeeRz]
yg miring brarti saia ga yakin. hahaha
Edisi 30 Okt 2009
Top 3 nya
LeeSsang - The Girl Who Can't Break Up, The Boy Who Can't Leave
SS501 - Love Like This
dan pemenangnya adalh... SHINee
Setelah kim Tae Woo menang 3 minggu berturut2, akhirnya SHINee dapet mutizen buat RDD... chukaeyo~~~`
source : allkpop+ SHINeeendonesia
According to Korean media reports, 6 member Korean boyband U-Kiss will perform with other stars from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. They will be representing Korea in the large-scale music festival, "Summer Pop Live in HK".
"Summer Pop Live in HK" will take place in the AsiaWorld expo from 16th to 17th of August. Other artistes performing include top China artistes and there is a total of 60 singers performing, with around 15000 audience. During the festival, U-Kiss performed "Not Young", "I Like You" and "Talk To Me" and won over the hearts of local fans by speaking fluent Chinese. U-Kiss is expected to release a new album around October.
Indo Trans :
Berdasarkan laporan media Korea, 6 member grup Korea U-KISS akan kembali tampil dengan bintang lain dari China, Taiwan & Hongkong. Mereka akan mempersembahkan festival musik berskala besar "Summer Pop Live in HK"
"Summer Pop Live in HK" akan dilangsungkan di Asia world expo dr tgl 16-17 agustus. Artis lain yg akan tampil termasuk artis top China dan total 60 penyanyi yg akan tampil dgn dihadiri 150.000 penonton. Selama festival, U-KISS akan menampilkan "Not Young". "I Like You" & "Talk to me" dan memenangkan hati banyak fans lokal dgn keahlian berbahasa Chinese mereka yg lancar. U-KISS diperkirakan akan kembali merilis album barunya sekitar bulan OKTOBER
Credits: KissHolic + (translations) + yoori@Kisukisume(Indo trans)
No, but she could be! Yang Jung Ah and the rest of the Gold Miss is Coming members were shocked to find out that Kara's Kang Jiyoung mother was only a year older than Yang Jung Ah (39).
Kara visited the 6 single women to teach them the butt dance. When it was Yang Jung Ah's turn to get taught, Song Eun Yi mentioned that Yang Jung Ah looked like Kara's mother.
Tidak, tapi mungin saja bisa! Yang Jung Ah dan semua anggota Gold Miss yang terkejut mengetahui bahwa ibu dari Kang Jiyoung hanya lebih tua 1 tahun dari Yang Jung Ah (39).
Kara mengunjungi 6 wanita single untuk mengajari mereka Butt Dance. ketika tiba gilirannya Yang Jung Ah, Song Eun Yi mengatakan bahwa Yang Jung Ah terlihat seperti ibu Kara.
Gold Miss juga belajar Butt Dance toh
lol pasti kocak2 abis :D :D :D
credit: allkpop + haQue@karanesia

Yuri SNSD & SeungRi BigBang, Kedua nya dikabarkan bakal masuk Central University bareng dgn mengambil theatrics and movies course !
Setelah SeungRi sempat putus sekolah karena sibuk dengan jadwal Bigbang, akhirnya SeungRi bersama Yuri bakal masuk universitas sama - sama, yippie !!! Akhirnya artis2 kita ini sadar akan menuntut ilmu . . .
Selamat buat keduanya yg bakal masuk di tahun 2010 mendatang yah .... ^o^v
source by brian@KH + feedya@snsd-indonesiaforum
ada boy band baru lg....
wowowo, dimana ad rain dibelakang mereka..
Adalah group yang di bentuk oleh si cakep Rain yg berusaha menyaingi JYP . M-BLAQ (Baca – em blek) . Dan kelihatannya numpang pamor bisa populer karena nama besar Rain. Dan kabarnya udah banyak orang mengajukan proposal untuk Membuat fanclub. ckckck .Group dengan 5 member ini kemarin sudah menunjukan batang hidung mereka di majalah Nylon (
Dan ini adalah Profil (singkat) para member M-BLAQ
LEE JUNE (Lahir tahun 1988) *dude herlino (??) wanna be
YANG SEUNG HO (Lahir tahun 1987) ~ kyk Yun Ho yah di foto yg coklat
BANG CHEOL YONG (Lahir tahun 1991)
KIM SANG BAE (Lahir tahun 1991)
JUN BYUNG HEE (Lahir tahun 1987)
Ahh … ternyata cakep2 yah .. ^^. Tapi group ini belum kedengeran ngeluarin Teaser atau pengumuman single.
Semoga ke 2 Group ini bisa bikin debut yang luar biasa , kagak ada kontroversi , mulus2 dan aman2 aja (Amiiien) dan kita tinggal lihat bagaimana perkembangan mereka nantinya.
Credit : soompi+
Dr profile sementara ini gw sk bgt lia Lee June
sebenernya udah lama pengen ngepost, tapi berhubung GW ada Mid, ga ngenet deh seminggu... sorry ya smuana....
Setelah 2NE1, 4Minute dan f(x), ada lagi entertainment yang ngikut tren bikin girlband. Hari ini TS Entertainment selesai me-reveal semua anggota grup barunya which is called ‘Secret’. Sebagai perkenalan mereka akan muncul di Mnet dengan reality show ‘Secret Story’ tanggal 21 September mendatang.
Profile (dari kiri ke kanan):
Name: Jeon HyoSung
DOB: October 13, 1989 (19)
Position: Leader
Background: Pemenang kontes menyanyi Battle Shinhwa (2005). Harusnya debut bersama Uee dan Yoobin di grup ‘Five Girls’, tapi disband.
Name: Song Ji Eun
DOB: May 5, 1990 (19)
Position: Main Vocal
Background: Mengisi soundtrack Air City (Learning to Fly), Bichunmoo (Bichunmoo Ga), Lawyers of Korea (Perfume) dan bekerja sama dengan Untouchable di lagu ‘Give You All’.
Name: Zinger
DOB: February 2, 1990 (19)
Position: Rapper
Name: Han SunHwa
DOB: October 6, 1990 (18)
Position: Maknae / Vocal
Background: Bekerja sama dengan Untouchable untuk lagu ‘My Boo’.
Klo menurut, mereka saingan f(x) ato endak,
gw pikir endak karena,
sasaran pasar,
gaya, jenis lagu
dan dancenya udah beda,
mereka pny cirikhas sendiri
(walaupun intinya cuma gabungan2 girlband2 lain),
paling enggak gw cukup menghargai mereka lha..
meski dihati gw msh nempel F(x)