[MyDaily = Reporter Lim Leerang] Recently, album sales profits have been way lower than profits from singles. However, album sales still important value to an artist as it represents the musicianship and pride of an artist.
Then who is recorded to have the most album sales for the first half of this year? According to the online album site Hanteo, the artist with the most album sales this year as of May 30th has been decided.
The Kings of album sales this first half of the year has been Super Junior. Super Junior sold 100 000 copies of their third album, Sorry Sorry, setting the record for highest album sales. After selling the C version of Sorry Sorry, they broke through by selling 200 000 albums.
SNSD lead the wave in the pop world in the beginning of this year, and are named the Queens of album sales, just after Super Junior. SNSD has sold around 70 000 copies of their mini-album Gee since January, putting them on the 2nd spot. In 3rd place is Seotaiji's second single from their 8th album, Seotaiji Atomos Part Secret. This album sold 59 000 albums.
Credits: Newsen, Sosiz
Translations by kkbluvv@soshified./forums
SNSD Yoona yang telah menajadi mahasiswi baru di universitas, telah menarik banyak perhatian melalui foto yang diambil saat di kelas. Foto ini tersebar luas melalui internet.
Tahun ini Yoona yang masuk Universitas Dongkook mengambil kelas drama sebagai mahasiswi. Namun ia terikat dengan aktivitas SNSD dengan lagu hit "Gee" dan juga mengambil bagian dalam drama Rabu-Kamis baru MBC "Cinderella Man". Situasinya saat ini ia hampir tidak mempunyai waktu untuk menghadiri kelas-kelasnya.
Saat ini, foto yang yoona ambil saat di kelas telah beredar di Internet dan mendapat perhatian. Meskipun dia adalah selebriti yang rendah hati, ia datang ke kelas dengan make up dan berpakaian yang simpel dan baik. Netizens memberikan reaksi yang ramah/baik terhadap sisi lain dari Yoona ini.
Satu sumber baru-baru ini mengatakan "jadwal dia sangat sibuk jadi benar bahwa sulit untuk menyesuaikan (waktu) di sekolah" bagaimanapun juga "kapanpun dia ada waktu, dia berusaha untuk datang ke kelas".
Tentu saja beberapa hari sebelumnya Yoona bertemu seorang reporter dan berkata "walaupun benar saya tidak ada waktu untuk datang ke sekolah, saya berusaha sekuatnya untuk datang" dan ia juga mengatakan "ke sekolah lebih menyenangkan dari yang saya pikirkan sebelumnya."
Indonesian Translation : BeLLisima@snsd-indonesia
Sy sih cuma copy paste doang....
Intinya, Yoona, slamat berjuang yanh.. kami disini mendukungmu!!!!
MBC's 'Sunday, Sunday Night' is, in the end, cancelling 'Girls' Generation's Horror Movie Factory.'
'Sunday, Sunday Night,' which is suffering embarassment from the horrible ratings, is being forced to create and cancel new show again and again, and is looking for a way to revive the program.
'Horror Movie Factory' is a show in which, for each episode, the Girls' Generation members partake in an acting lesson, and they had planned to select a Horror Queen who was to star in a horror movie this summer. However, due to the terrible ratings, the plans were canceled.
Even though the 'Horror Movie Factory' is canceled, it doesn't mean that Girls' Generation will be leaving 'Sunday, Sunday Night.' Though the 'Horror Movie Factory''s last show will be on the 14th, the Girls' Generation members will be revealing another side of theirs on a new, different show, on the 21st.
However, 'Sunday, Sunday Night' has once placed Kim Yongman, Tak Jaehoon, Shin Junghwan, Lee Hyukjae, Yoon Sonha, and Kim Gura as the MCs of 'Daemang,' which was replaced with 'Quiz Prince' after receiving bad ratings. However, 'Quiz Prince' is also failing and is being planned to switch a new show which might be called 'Oppa Band.'
Of course it is known that, to make a show, much effort must be put in and therefore the actions of the 'Sunday, Sunday Night' team are understandable and their efforts do deserve applause. However, many are wondering if the constant change of the shows is actually causing them to lose fans.
Many are looking forward to see if 'Sunday, Sunday Night''s work with Girls' Generation and their new, upcoming show, along with the couple Hwang Jeongeum and Kim Yongjun's 'We Got Married 2' and Shin Dongyup and his rock band members' 'Oppa Band' will be able to bring long, steady success to the program.
Credits to: Newsen (http://newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=200906...%E0%BD%C3%B4%EB)
Translated by: boricha. @ soshified.com
wah Hororo movie factory bukian di Cancel
tp lbh tepatny mksd nya itu walaupun horor factori slesai bkn berarti soshi kluar dr sundat2 night kan??
kyknya tgl 21 bkl ada acara baru tuk gantiin horor factori ntu

Minho : pertama, PD saya butuh latar musik.
Shindong : oke, spt ini
Minho : bkn spt ini.
Shindong : bkn spt ini?? musik latar yg lebih romantis.
Shinyoung: bukan nya kita ada lagu “Kiss The Rain” spt nya banyak yang akan dikatakan oleh Minho
Jonghyun : Minho kita emang spt ini. dia bahkan minta musik latar!
Minho : walaupun saya begitu dekat dengan hyung2 lainnya. saya minta maaf, saya harus mengatakan ini. di superjunior, yang paling bener2 saya suka adalah Fishie – Donghae hyung. ada yang ingin saya katakan buat donghae hyung…boleh saya katakan??
Shinyoung/Shindong: tentu.
Minho : Donghae-hyung, saya cinta kamu.
Jonghyun : waaaa, spt adegan drama saja…
shindong : dari yg saya liat, donghae dan minho lebih dari kakak dan adik, mereka spt teman.
Shinyoung : oh, benarkah? mereka berdua sangat dekat….
Jonghyun : *menghela nafas* kenapa hrs minta musik latar?!!
Ini Nyolong dr sujunesia... Benernya aku ada transled eng...nya tp males nyari lag.... Khu khu
Asia’s most renowned modeling competition cum fashion festival “Asia Pacific Super Modeling Competition” will be held on the 19th this month in Korea. About 33 super models from Korea, China, Japan and Thailand will participate in it. In addition, Korea’s most representative pop stars SS501, SJ, Girls’ Generation, etc will perform at the event.
This competition is not just an event in Korea alone. It will also be broadcasted in Japan, China, Thailand and even USA. Furthermore, combining famous sports and fashions brands such as KAPA, ELLE golf and the designers’ fashion show, with the popular stars’ concert, a “fashion festival that is full of love” will be put up.
This 3 and a half hour event will be held in Gyeongbuk Stadium. SBS will broadcast it on the 20th this month at 12.20am.
Credits: хвихви@ http://www.hyunjoong.china, quainte501 , sapphirepearls.wordpress
Mulai dari 15 Juni,the teaser poster dari "7 year's love" MV
telah diluncurkan dengan gambar actress Choi JeongYoon.
"7 year's love" kyuhyun adalah remake lagu indah dengan beautiful nova style dari grup Yoo YoungSeok White's hit.
Netizens telah menunjukkan perhatian mereka pada teaser poster "aku penasaran dgn remake song superjunior", "aku harap lagu ini akan rilis nantinya" dan "kapan MV ini aka dirilis?"
MVnya direncanakan rilis via online di music site bulan ini .
Snsd, New Album????
"With just a single picture SNSD shook the online world."
Berita mendebarkan ini benre-bener udah mengguncang banyak orang...
Sehabis Gee, bakal ada yang baru lagi.....
Snsd Berjuang!!! Kita tunnggu perkembangan selanjutnya....
The comeback news created huge buzz in Korea yesterday. It's probably the most well received concept SNSD ever had.
Marine Girls SNSD explosive reaction "It was just one single picture..."
"With just a single picture SNSD shook the online world.
With comeback on 25th SNSD released a picture of the new concept on 15th. It was just a preview picture of the comeback but the ensuing reaction stormed up was incredible . Even SM was surprised that it became such hot topic.
After its release SNSD related search terms shot up to no 1 on various sites and was talk of the day on many commnunity sites"