Snsd, New Album????
"With just a single picture SNSD shook the online world."
Berita mendebarkan ini benre-bener udah mengguncang banyak orang...
Sehabis Gee, bakal ada yang baru lagi.....
Snsd Berjuang!!! Kita tunnggu perkembangan selanjutnya....
The comeback news created huge buzz in Korea yesterday. It's probably the most well received concept SNSD ever had.
Marine Girls SNSD explosive reaction "It was just one single picture..."
"With just a single picture SNSD shook the online world.
With comeback on 25th SNSD released a picture of the new concept on 15th. It was just a preview picture of the comeback but the ensuing reaction stormed up was incredible . Even SM was surprised that it became such hot topic.
After its release SNSD related search terms shot up to no 1 on various sites and was talk of the day on many commnunity sites"
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