So Nyeo Shi Dae TaeYeon rushed to the emergency room
Posted 7:34 AM by Super Generation in Label: snsd news, Taeyeon
SNSD's Tae Yeon was hospitalized after her performance on SBS Inkigayo yesterday, July 26th with "flu-like symptoms and had received her consultation and prescription.." In a statement released by SM Entertainment, it was reported that she went to the emergency room in a stable condition, albeit with a high fever and a swollen tonsil. Tae Yeon asked to go to the emergency room because of her discomfort and was quickly taken to one. SM Entertainment said, “TaeYeon had slight swelling and had flu and fever symptoms, and was rushed to the hospital. Currently she is recovering.”
With the recent formation of the "Milk Club," where Tae Yeon is the manager, and many SM artists are members, I wonder what the backlash will be against SM. The overworking of celebrities has been a big issue, with celebrities fainting left and right.
Tae Yeon is currently recovering and should be back on stage to continue promoting "Genie" shortly.
Credit : Allkpop & Sookyeong@wordpress +snsd-indonesia
[07.28.09] SNSD's Taeyeon hospitalized, currently resting
SNSD's Taeyeon has been hospitalized for cold-related symptoms.
On July 26th, after Taeyeon has performed on SBS Inkigayo, she went to hospital because she suddenly had a high fever and tonsillitis (inflammation on tonsil);
When she got to the hospital, she received IV treatments and prescriptions.
The news that Taeyeon came to the emergency room was spread by the patients who were at the hospital; Taeyeon and her manager went to the hospital in ShinChon.
According to SM, Taeyeon went to the emergency room because her tonsils were swollen and she had a high fever.
SM disclosed that she's currently recovering.
SNSD is currently promoting their mini-album 'Tell Me Your Wish"
writer note*cathode* : Ok since the article itself mentioned that she went to the hospital after she performed with the girls on inkigayo, this news is couple days old.
original link
Written by: Lee Jaehwan
Translated by:
trans :
Taeyeon, salah satu member SNSD, telah dirumah-sakitkan karena memiliki gejala masuk-angin (Flu, demam).
pada 26 juli, setelah tayeon tampil di acara SBS Inkigayo, ia pergi ke rumah sakit karena tiba-tiba ia terkena panas tinggi dan tonsilitis (peradangan pada amandel);
ketika itu, ia menerima pengobatan IV dan beberapa resep obat.
berita-berita tentang taeyeon yang datang ke UGD menyebar diantara para pasien yang berobat di rumah sakit itu; Taeyeon dan manajernya pergi ke sebuah rumah sakit di ShinChon.
menurut SM, TaeYeon datang ke UGD karena amandelnya membengkak dan mengalami panas tinggi.
SM menyatakan bahwa Taeyeon sekarang dalam tahap penyembuhan.
sekarang ini, SNSD tengah mempromosikan mini album mereka, yaitu 'Tell Me Your Wish"
indonesia translate : LaFF @ soshindo
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