[pic/news]Kim Bum shocking transformation

Posted 2:56 AM by Super Generation in Label: , ,
Kim Bum has gone through a shocking transformation.

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The Boys Over Flowers star will be in a movie called Emergency and has gone through a 180 degree image change. With half of his head in cornrows, rocking shiny blue jackets, and smokey eye-liner, Kim Bum is now officially bad ass. His role in the movie, a host, pleasing ladies every night.

The cornrow hair is often rocked by Korean R&B/hip hop singers these days, such as TOP and Taeyang from Big Bang and BoA. This style symbolizes the strong emotion of the person who wears it, and can make hip hop songs have a darker image. It is said that Kim Bum, who doesn't have a very "dark" style, captured this image very well in the movie, and many fans are waiting for it.

Emergency, directed by Park Jung Hoon, is to be a love story (I thought it was going be a gangster movie...) and is expected to be released this December.

credit: kimchisteve@allkpop + himely@kimbumindonesia

Kim Bum telah melalui perubahan yg mengejutkan

Bintang BOF ini akan bermain d film berjudul EMERGENCY dan dia melalui proses pergantian image 180 derajat. dengan setengah dari kepala dengan kepangan rambut, jaket berkilau berwarna biru, dan mata dengan eyeliner smokey, sekarang kim bum adalah cowok nakal. peran dia di film adalah host yg melayani wanita setiap malam

dikatakan Kim BUm yang tidak mempunyai gaya gelap, dapat menagkap imange ini dengan baik d film terbaru-nya dan banyak fans menunggu film emergency

emergency diareahkan oleh direktor Park Jung Hoon , dan akan menjadi cerita cinta, diperkirakan akan liris Desember ini

indo translation by himely@kimbumindonesia
Okta berkata:


kaget! keren bgt! cool! ga bisa ngukapin kata2! astaga2astaga2

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