Most often artists & most weeks song on k-chart mubank 01.06.08 - 18.07.10
Posted 4:49 AM by Super Generation in Label: K-pop, super generation

SNSD and Big Bang dominate on this chart because they have several long lasting hits plus even some of their non-promo songs from the albums often get on the Music Bank Kchart. And Taeyeon by herself is the second most often Kcharted female solo artist.
SNSD dan Big Bang mendominasi chart ini karena mereka punya beberapa hit-hit yang awet dan bahkan beberapa lagu yang non-promo dari album mereka sering masuk chart mubank. Dan Taeyeon sendiri adalah solo artis cewek yang tersering kedua dichart.
cr. silis7noy2 @ soompi
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